Friday, May 25, 2012

P52 2012: Week #21: Favorites

Pretty sure clouds are the coolest things ever.

Case in point:

In Brenham...

Outside my apartment...

On my way home...

A Lenticular cloud!!

At my sister's playoff game in Magnolia...

Right before the 45 minute lightning delay and the second lightning delay

and intense rain downpour and our team kickin' the other team's butt...

After the rain finally stopped...

Wait! What is that?

A rainbow!

The Project 52 2012 is now hosted by Kent Weakley:

Sorry, I can't figure out his button...

P52 2012: Week #19: Still Life

My goal was to get an awesome shot of a bluejay that
 has been hanging out around my house.

And it's huuuuuge!

Probably from all the cat food he's been stealing. haha

Anyhoo, so I had a stake out in my backyard.  I never got a good shot of the
bluejay so I took shots of others things while waiting.

Charlie, the spoiled kitty.


And some of my favorite shots...



A week later I was able to get the little sneaker on camera!

Isn't he just ginormous?!

Blue Bell Fun Run 2012

Blue Bell...

The best ice cream in the WORLD.

I promise.

Anyhoo, Blue Bell is made in the
cute little town of Brenham, TX.

And every Spring, it sponsors a race that benefits the Athletics Department for Brenham High School.

And at the end? You can have as much Blue Bell as you want!!!!!!!

And THAT is why you run it. haha

*clears throat* I mean I do it for charity!

Ya, whatever. haha

Before the race...

During the race, we ran by lovely Bluebonnets (our state flower) and Indian Paint Brushes. 

Finish Line!

The Blue Bell Ice Cream Truck.

And I'm eating my first popsicle.  The Great Divide: half chocolate- half vanilla.


Crazy Carissa...

note to self: never put your ice cream sandwich on your car... it will just slide down and get ice cream all over your windshield... oops

My second popsicle!!!

Mmmmm, Blue Bell will always make me happy. :)  Definitely worth 6.2 miles.

Friday, May 18, 2012

P52 Week #20: Mothers

Mother's Day

Dear Mommy,

You are caring, forgiving, crazy, charitable, and wonderful. 
You are such a great example to me for when I'm a super mommy one day.

Thank you for all of your love.


"Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. It is the essence of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us."
-Sister Sheri Dew

"Motherhood is not a hobby, it's a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for."
-Elder Neal L. Anderson

I love you Mommy!!

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge