Friday, April 13, 2012

P52 Week #15: Sacrifice/ Easter in Utah 2012 Part 1

This year we were able to make it to Utah for Easter!! So exciting! We fly stand-by, so I may be super spoiled, but it can be difficult to see my family in Utah for holidays.

Anyhoo, my family lives in Holladay, a suburb of Salt Lake City, so we were able to go to Temple Square! I LOVE Temple Square.  It is just so peaceful and refreshing and beautiful and full of testaments of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, our Savior.  It testifies of the sacrifice of Christ.  It testifies of the LDS pioneers', my ancestors, sacrifices.  All of these sacrifices were made for you.  They were made for me.

Here are some photos from Temple Square...

I sure hope the prophet, President Monson, wasn't looking out his window at us crazy folk...

Cousin Colette, Cousin Danielle, Sister December, Cousin Andrew, Me!

The pioneers worked for 40 years to create this beautiful temple dedicated to the work of the Lord.

Here are some snip-its of the testimony of the three witnesses of The Book of Mormon.

In one of the visitor centers, there are several paintings of Christ during His ministry displayed.

And the spiral walkway from the paintings leads to the grand finale, The Cristus statue.

I know through the Atonement, I can be healed of all my afflictions: sin, grief, pain, sickness.

I only need to rely on the Lord.  I must go to Him to seek repentance and relief.

Through His mercy and grace, I can be saved.

Although His sacrifice was for everyone,
 I must do my part to follow His commandments and endure to the end.

Jesus the Christ loves me and I love my elder brother. :)

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

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