Thursday, March 29, 2012

P52 Week #13: Details- Adventure At the Duck Pond

My roommates and I went to go feed the ducks on Sunday!! The "duck pond" park is always a fun place to rid yourself of the pile of stale bread on your kitchen counter. haha

 Rachel being difficult! Silly girl wouldn't let me take her picture!  Well take that! :)

And is Carissa, Rachel, and some random kid (haha) feeding the duckies.

Hey, squirrels need to eat too! :)

We decided these birds are creepy... I mean look at those mohawks! haha.  And a perched Carissa.

 And this is the hippie duck, doing yoga and stuff. haha!

 So about three weeks ago, my super old and crappy camera FINALLY keeled over and died. haha

It took about a week to buy a new one... and I love it!!

Can't you tell? I mean look at these pictures!! They look soooo much better!!

Just look at that light!

And my absolute favorite to play around with is the macro setting. It's just so much fun!! haha.
Okay, I may be a little too excited...

A tree.

But wait!

Look there!

Just let me get a little macro action on...

Weird! Yet interesting, haha.

And oh! These roses!

Nicky-Picky people like me? We obsess with the DETAILS. :)

And here is some wonderful goodness!
This duck was just CRACKING ME UP!
It was just so excited to get bread!

Wag, wag your tail feathers. Wag, wag your tail feathers...

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, I love the creepy duck! Great pictures! I recently got a new telephoto lens so I totally understand your excitement!
