Tuesday, June 26, 2012

P52 Week #25 - Fathers

For Father's Day, I decided to bake my daddy

sugar cookies!!

P.S. And will never again!  WAY too much work. haha

Well, my dad is super obsessed with all things Texas, so...

this was my idea of a splendid gift!

Aren't these cookie cutters just so exciting?!

Texas and Bevo...

You know the pinata cookies all over Pinterest for Cinco de Mayo?

Well I decided to experiment...

Pinned Image

But I used my dad's favorite: Reese's Pieces!

When you bake the cookies, some need holes to hold the candies.

This photo got flipped somehow??? Just ignore the backwards Texas? haha

The finished products!!

Happy Daddy.
He loved them!

P52 with Kent Weakley

My entry:

Friday, June 22, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

P52 Week #23 Water {State Softball Sendoff}

Heck yes, we are!!

(my mom helped with those silly cups in the fence for hours)

Load up!!

 All aboard!

The Lady Tigers Varsity Softball Team.

Thank you Spring Fire Department

Yep, my dad is THAT cool.  He gets at least one little kid to do something silly
with him, so he has an excuse to do it too.

Things like playing in the water cannon water....

I love my dad. Only he can get away with such silliness.

Best picture!

Oh ya, Tiger Pride.

And pics from State! (from my mom's camera)
I wasn't able to go... darn having to be a real grown up with work and stuff! haha

The girls won 2nd place in the whole State of Texas of the 5A schools!

Congrats Lady Tigers!!

The end.

To see the Project 52 page for this week, go here.
P52 with Kent Weakley

And my entry:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What I Wore: Orange You Glad?

I was doubly excited to give a presentation in my rhetoric class:

an organization helping girls in New York City who are victims of human trafficking. 

They help with Victim's Rights through legal services, provide safe housing, job/career training, therapy, and much more!

Always remember: all girls are of great worth. Like gems. :)

2. I was finally able to wear this super cute outfit!
I love blazers!!

When I start Methods this Fall and Student Teaching next Spring,
my wardrobe will be full of cute blazers.  I've decided.

Darn you, blurryness!!

Blazer and pants: Forever 21
Shoes: Payless
Shirt (under blazer): Rue 21

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Super Moon

I was able to get a few good shots of the super moon

from a while back.

I hope the neighbors don't mind the photos of their house on here...

P52 Week #22: Playtime- Game Time- Tiger Time

Tiger Softball

My younger sister plays on her high softball team.  She plays catcher and first base.

This year the Lady Tigers made it to the 5A Championship game!!

They are 2nd place in the state of Texas.

I am so proud of them. :)

Here are some pics from the season.

(and next week I'll have pics from State!)

And I was able to go to a playoff game held at the SHSU stadium!!

And I have to say, December looked mighty fine playin' on that field.

(Dear Mr Coach, please recruit her. Love, Savannah)


Great Job, December!!

I can't wait to watch your games next season for SENIOR YEAR!!

I still can't figure out his new button!!
Click here to see the Project 52 website for this week.