Friday, July 6, 2012

P52 Week #26: School's Out

Now that school is mostly out (yay for Summer school! :/),

I have been working at a pool as a lifeguard.

And not only do we guard lives, but we clean and maintain the pool as well.

There are two things that make this difficult beyond measure:

1. Our investation of ants


2. the onslaught of Crape Myrtle tree blossoms.

Smart people from the neighborhood builders planted EIGHT Crape
Myrtle trees surrounding the pool.  Everytime the wind blows, we have to skim the whole pool.

And I'm pretty sure all these ants are planning to take over the world.  They have impressive war skills.  They are everywhere and get into everything.

So many many blossoms...

Sometimes after I skim the pool, I feel like the trees are mocking me saying:
"There's more where that came from!"

And then 10 minutes later, you can't tell I skimmed.

Imagine a big gust of wind that makes thousands of blossoms blow over the water...

Now imagine tiny little screams from the kids in the shallow end...

"It's snowing! It's snowing!"

haha, made my day.

Hmm, here's another cluster.

Wait. What is that?

Oh goodness, taking over the land wasn't good enough.

Now these buggers are conquering the high seas.


Argh, matey!

I was so excited to find a merging of the great pains of my job.
Making up for it. A little. haha

I still don't understand how this happened...

Poor guy. I think he's lost.

P52 with Kent Weakley

My entry:

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