Thursday, January 19, 2012

Left Unattended with Icing and Full Reign...

I have a quirky sense of humor. Yyyyep. Now that I'm 20 and supposedly a "real" adult, I have yet to grow out of this awkwardness. (tehehe) Well, I have a tendency to let my imagination run wild while decorating baked goods. haha

My Portfolio:

Christmas 2010
 Top Row: Vampire Jail Bird, Creeper, Moustache Man, Scuba Diver (always a staple!)
Bottom Row: Diva Go-Go, The Broken Gingerbread Man, Crooked Lady, Creepy Pedophile

My Sister December's 17th Birthday
 December 2011

Savannah: "Can I decorate your cake once Mom is done??"
December: "I don't care." (well, aren't you a super cool teenager, dude?)
Savannah: "Yay!!!"
December: "You're so weird."
Savannah: runs to kitchen
adequate time passes, giggles periodically coming from the kitchen...
Savannah: "Done!"
December: "What have you done?!" storming into kitchen... "Oh. I don't even like JB."
Savannah: "That's why it's funny!"
cricket. cricket...
Does posting the cake on FB mean she liked it? Maybe? Hmph!

Daddy's 51st Birthday January 2012

The Hunter's dream cake!
But, wait! What is that?!

Well, dear, that would be a great shot!
(hahaha, pun intended! wipe away tear... I just crack myself up sometimes)

What a sneaker! Hiding behind the hunter? What a silly!

Thank you! What an honor it is to be awesome.  I would personally like to thank
my mother for baking and icing some fabulous cakes that serve as my canvas.  And for providing
some plastic figures. And for making that divine homemade icing.

Peace out!

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