Tuesday, January 24, 2012

P52 Week #4: Self Portrait and What I Wore

Self Portrait

Well I've never been fond of taking self portraits.  It's either super awkward asking
someone to take pictures of you and you can't tell if they're getting the angles right OR
you can't get the right angles and focus with the self timer...haha

Even in my photography class a few semester ago, I struggled with
my self portrait portfolio.  I had to have TEN different shots! So my roommate
became my helper, haha.

Sorry the colors are strange; the lighting was super weird.
These are my editing attempts trying to get the blue out of
my photographs. haha

What I Wore

The super lovely parts of living in Southeast Texas in Winter:

no snow (I visit snow; I do NOT LIVE in it. Ick!)

laying out at the pool gettin' my tan on in January

60 to 70 degree weather (perfect)

no dangerous ice on the roads

if there IS a slight chance of snow, no school!
 (we don't have equipment to clean the roads...)

you don't have to deal with the peeling off of a million layers everywhere you go

yet it IS cold enough to wear tights so you don't have to shave that often... (yeah baby!)

The not so lovely:

A lot of Winter fashion doesn't apply to you!

So basically, you want to incorporate a lot of Winter clothes,
 but they are just too hot to trot.

So here are MY ideas for a Warm Winter Wardrobe

Cardigans are your best friend!! 

Pink Leopard Cardigan: thrifted at Buffalo Exchange for $15, but originally from Banana Republic
Gray and Yellow Dress (but only the gray bottom showing): JCPenney like 2 years ago, so probably around $20
Black Swirly Tights: JCPenney for $7
Gray Bootsocks: Kohls's for $7-$9
Petal Heels: Payless for $20
Triple Strand Pearl Necklace: Heirloom from my Grandma, Priceless :)

And don't worry, the bag stayed in the car.  I wouldn't go THAT crazy
with the patterns. Haha!

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge my3boybarians.com

Peace out!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the mix and match of this outfit and pairing socks over your tights. Too cute! New to your blog and glad I found your creative space on the web:D Enjoy your day!
