Monday, October 17, 2011

Embroidery Hoop CLock

Today I will finally share my super cute button clock! Well, felt button clock.

All of my materials were bought at Michael's, the best craft store in the world.  If I do say so myself.  And I used coupons!!

Embroidery Hoop
Cross-stitch Fabric (or other strong fabric)
Felt Buttons (or regular pieces of felt)
Clock Parts (can be bought separately or can be taken out of a clock)
Needle and Thread
Method of Hanging (I used thumbtacks)

1. Attach fabric to embroidery hoop, trimming off the excess. 
2. Stitch numbers onto felt buttons. (note: be super careful. I don't know how many times I poked myself for sure, but I'd guesstimate about a million and a quarter.)
3. Cut a little slit in the middle of your clock just big enough for the clock parts to fit through.  (*insert super scary monster voice here*) Now comes the tricky part: the clock parts. I bought the separate clock parts... and they did not come with instructions in the package. Nada. Zilch. Which is exactly how much I knew about clocks parts.  It took me hours to figure out how to put them together so they would work.  So just exercise caution and know what you're doing.  I eventually figured them out. :)
4. And you put it all together!
5. To hang on my wall, I put a thumbtack under the top rim of the embroidery hoop and another under the clock handle.  The gives my new baby support. :)


My Felt and Embroidery Hoop Clock. :)

The inspiration for this project came from here.

P.S. Today is my last day as a teenager! *gasp*

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