Sunday, October 2, 2011

General Conference October 2011

Well, let me just say...
I loved Conference!!!!!

I always enjoy listening to the words of our modern-day prophets, seers, and revelators, but this year was special in it's own way.  I guess at the old age of 19 years, I am finally mature and smart enough to pray before Conference to ask for the Spirit's guidance in my own personal revelation and understanding of the talks.  Never before have my reactions to the beautiful talks spoken at Conference been so emotional.  I didn't have a certain question or concern in mind beforehand.  The Lord simply knew what I needed to hear before I even knew.  Several talks and portions of talks seemed to be directed at me.  Little insignificant Miss Savannah in the second row of the institute building in the tiny college town in the one little area somehow a part of this massive world.

Why would my needs matter? There are so many others bearing heavier burdens and trials.


According to President Uctdorf,
I AM significant.  I DO matter.  My simple little life
has the potential to touch and influence literally
thousands of lives.
I can enjoy this journey of life while striving for
my goals.  I may have weaknesses, but I can turn them into
my strengths.

According to Julie B. Beck, Relief Society President,
I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father.
I am a part of a world wide sisterhood, the largest of its kind.

According to Silvia Allred, 1st Counselor of Relief Society,
all sisters can be a pillar of strength in the Lord's kingdom.

According to Ian S. Arden of the Seventy,
When you have children and how many children you have
is only
 between you, your spouse, and the Lord.
Rock that triangle of eternal marriage!

According to L. Tom Perry of the Twelve Apostles,
we all must be bold in our declarations of our testimonies
of Christ, our faith, and your active membership.

According to President Henry B. Eyring, 1st Cousnelor,
our sacred charge is to:
  1. Be Charitable: exhibit the pure love of Christ
  2. Stand as a Witness: your testimony will give you strength and power
  3. Endure: we can do all things through Christ and God's love
According to Kazuhiko Yamashita of the Seventy,
we can prepare to serve missions by:
  1. Having a desire to the Gospel
  2. Developing your testimony
  3. Love others

When President Thomas S. Monson spoke about how commandments are not merely suggestions, I couldn't help but think of the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie.  You know, the rules of piracy are more like guidelines?
ahahaha, such a fantastic movie...

The "Pirate Code" involves trickery? only applies to pirates, a select few?? are only guidelines???

Thank goodness the Lord's commandments and blessings are nothing of the sort.  The Lord would never trick us. (That's Satan's job.) He loves us and wants us to succeed.  The commandments of God are for everyone, and everyone has the potential to earn blessings.  The commandments are commandments. Not suggestions for an unattainable lifestyle. Not guidelines for one to loosely follow on a whim. Commandments.

Seems fair, ya?

Yes! You mean that if I learn His commandments and follow them, I earn blessings? I have the chance to earn eternal life by doing so?
Right on!

Also, I absolutely LOVED Sister Elaine S. Dalton's talk.  By directly teaching fathers how to raise daughters, she indirectly taught what women should look for in a husband.  These are some of her points:
  1. Be an example of a honorable husband. Be the man that you would want her to date and marry.
  2. Be an example of one who keeps all of his covenants, especially marriage covenants.
  3. Be a frequent temple goer.  Take her with you.
  4. Preside with love and righteousness.
  5. Protect your family and home from evil
  6. Be a guardian of her virtue
  7. Let her know your standards
  8. Be a worthy priesthood
  9. Share your testimony frequently with her
  10. Spend time together.

These are all special attributes and actions that I hope and pray I will find in my future husband.  I definitely want all these blessings (yes, a father who does all these things is considered a blessing) for my children. How nice would it be if we all had a father like this?

Love this movie...

In this movie, Quest for Camelot, Kaylee's father may be deceased but she still sees him as a source for strength. I LOVE this movie.  It's one of my favorites from childhood. :)

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