Monday, October 17, 2011

Simple Banana Ice Cream

Let's all scream for banana ice cream! Woot!

*clearing of throat*

Well, I have noticed the notion of making banana ice cream taking the internet by storm, so I decided to experiment.  As always, I like to do things my way, so I would like to share with you my banana ice cream...

I like to make mine with peanut butter, so I like to eat it after I work out.  Eating banana ice cream beats eating straight peanut butter any day. haha.  What we do to get protein...

mmm... goodness, I need to work on my photography skillz. Sorry, guys.

THE Banana Ice Cream
This is such a simple recipe, it doesn't use special or set amounts of ingredients. You just kind of do it.

Ripe Bananas
Peanut Butter (can be substituted with nutella)
Freezer, Container

1. Chop up bananas and put into a sealed container.  Freeze for at least several hours.  I tend to do it over night.

Two chopped bananers

2. Once frozen, mash them up.  (note: Many recipes say to use a blender, but I've found that blenders don't really work with this. No worries, using a fork isn't that bad.)

Mashed bananers

3. Add a little bit of milk. A little.  Mash and mix some more!

Mashed bananers and milk.

4. Now comes the peanut butter.  Remember you could use nutella instead.  Also remember that this isn't an exact science.  Add one dollop of peanut butter, try it, and add more if you want more.

I added two dollops about this size...

Now put you lovely creation back in the freezer.  After it has been frozen for a while... eat and enjoy!  It is awesome that some innocent little things mashed together can satisfy my ice cream cravings.

It's a beautiful thing!

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