Friday, April 27, 2012

P52 Week #17: Green

Oh boy, do i not have a green thumb.

Nope, not at all.

I need something that screams or cries when it's hungry. haha

Anyhoo, my mother gave me these gorgeous tulips for my class ring ceremony.

Ooooooo, I love tulips...

Total gorg'.


Just kidding.  I don't talk like that.


Remember how I most definitely DO NOT have a green thumb?

Well, it less than a week to kill my loverly tulips. :(

Apparently you shouldn't water plants everyday.

Because then they get a fungus emungus!

Poor things. Didn't know what was coming.

 I guess I was hoping my best friends would help me keep them alive.


*cue Twilight Zone music*

Now aren't they just darlin'?!

My roomies hate them... how rude!!

My sister painted the SHSU one for me, because I was super upset I could find a SHSU gnome.  I mean, all of the big colleges have them!! SHSU is a D1 school!  We deserve a school spirit gnome too! Amirite?! hahaha

project 52 p52

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Class Ring Ceremony

Who has two thumbs and finally got her

 Sam Houston State class ring?!












This girl!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

P52 Week #16 : Things That Grow: Crawfish Boil

Crawfish, Crawdads, Mudbugs...
Every year, my dad helps out
 his friend, Tim, with his company crawfish boil.
So we get to come!!
I love me some mudbugs.
Mr. Cook-Man
a.k.a. My Daddy

Silly Daddy! Hot sauce is for food!

Dishin' out the mudbugs.

Behold! My glorious tray of crawfish!

Playin' with the food...

My mother just doesn't know what to do with me.
I think she gave up. haha

I convinced Carissa to eat some! And she liked them!

This year, many of them were huge!! Borderline lobster!!

Playin' with the food some more...

But look how big some are!! 

They've really grown in size...

Is that too much of a stretch?


And my favorite shot of the day...

project 52 p52

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Holiday in Holladay, Utah: Easter 2012 Part 3

The good ole egg dye tradition.

Every Easter that we are able to visit in Utah, we get to help dye eggs.

It is a dye-hard (tehehe) tradition in the Keyes house.

And every time, without fail, everyine makes fun of me.

Every single time.

Danielle, Colette, Bridgette, Uncle Doug, Aunt Denise (back turned)

Why do I get mocked, you ask?

Bridgette's balancing act.

Well, when I was very little, maybe about a foot taller than the kitchen table, I didn't understand how to dye eggs.

We didn't dye eggs at home in Texas.  It just wasn't something we did.

My egg.

So I didn't know what those little tablets on the kitchen table were.

All I knew is that they looked just like candy.

My favorite shot.

Despite the fact that these "candies" were not mine, I ate them anyways.

Then I found out, they were not candies at all.

Uncle Doug, the artist.

The boogers were egg dye tablets.  Definitely not candy.

It wasn't pretty.

I was a freak show. 
Complete with:
 colored foaming at the mouth,
crying in confusion,
weird colors in my mouth, 
laughter surrounding me.

My Texas egg!

I just couldn't understand what was wrong with this candy.

Then finally, I was directed to spit it all out.

Andrew, December, Mom

So basically,ever since, my family makes fun of me for trying to eat the Easter egg dye.

Every year.

Without fail.

"Hey remember when Savannah tried to eat the Easter egg dye?"


Andrew completed the set with a Utah egg.

What I Wore: Peach Jeans

If you think Pinterest hasn't made a difference in lives, you are WRONG. haha.

One of the many hours spent on, I came across a picture of light tangerine pants.  I thought to myself, "Ooooooo, Savannah likes."

So I saved that bad boy in my style board and went on my merry way.

BUT the image of orange pants haunted me. I NEEDED them.

I thought constantly about them.  I talked constantly about them.

Keep in mind, this was in about January/February so colored jeans were in the stores but not really worn yet.  So everyone thought I was crazy,
which isn't new. haha.

Anyhoo, one day I was determined, and I looked up some potentials.  I found the perfect pair at Forever 21.  So I saw them on my screen, went to the store, and conquered! haha.  Then I cringed, what does one wear with stone wash peach jeans????????

Shopping Spree!!

All clothes from Forever 21.
Shoes from Payless.

1. Color Block with bright solids.

2. Highlight a similar color with a neutral.  In this case, black.

3. Go crazy with the neutrals!! Do the unexpected!

The jeans came with a black belt, but I used a brown one to go with this outfit.

New shoes from Payless! $14.99!!


The silly animals were competing for attention and following me around.

Silly, silly Charlie.

Silly, silly Ruger.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Holiday in Holladay, Utah: Easter 2012 Part 2

These are the last of the Temple Square pictures!!

This is the Assembly Hall for the overflow of the Tabernacle.

I just love the Star of David in several of the windows.  We don't know why the pioneers chose to put them there, because they didn't write it down.  So, I'm just going to enjoy the fact they're there. :)

I've loved the Star of David since I was eight.  My Sunday School teacher at that time was a Jewish convert to the Church (LDS), yet still wore her Star of David.  She explained to us that it is two triangles: one pointing up to God and one pointing down to the individual.  The Star is representative of one's relationship with Heavenly Father.
Don't you just love that?!
Ever since then, I have loved the Star of David.

And the gardens around Temple Square...

Aunt Barbara + Me

Me + Mommy

The Salt Lake City Temple

Me + December (my sister)


Beautiful flowers...