Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Holiday in Holladay, Utah: Easter 2012 Part 3

The good ole egg dye tradition.

Every Easter that we are able to visit in Utah, we get to help dye eggs.

It is a dye-hard (tehehe) tradition in the Keyes house.

And every time, without fail, everyine makes fun of me.

Every single time.

Danielle, Colette, Bridgette, Uncle Doug, Aunt Denise (back turned)

Why do I get mocked, you ask?

Bridgette's balancing act.

Well, when I was very little, maybe about a foot taller than the kitchen table, I didn't understand how to dye eggs.

We didn't dye eggs at home in Texas.  It just wasn't something we did.

My egg.

So I didn't know what those little tablets on the kitchen table were.

All I knew is that they looked just like candy.

My favorite shot.

Despite the fact that these "candies" were not mine, I ate them anyways.

Then I found out, they were not candies at all.

Uncle Doug, the artist.

The boogers were egg dye tablets.  Definitely not candy.

It wasn't pretty.

I was a freak show. 
Complete with:
 colored foaming at the mouth,
crying in confusion,
weird colors in my mouth, 
laughter surrounding me.

My Texas egg!

I just couldn't understand what was wrong with this candy.

Then finally, I was directed to spit it all out.

Andrew, December, Mom

So basically,ever since, my family makes fun of me for trying to eat the Easter egg dye.

Every year.

Without fail.

"Hey remember when Savannah tried to eat the Easter egg dye?"


Andrew completed the set with a Utah egg.

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