Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Holiday in Holladay, Utah: Easter 2012 Part 2

These are the last of the Temple Square pictures!!

This is the Assembly Hall for the overflow of the Tabernacle.

I just love the Star of David in several of the windows.  We don't know why the pioneers chose to put them there, because they didn't write it down.  So, I'm just going to enjoy the fact they're there. :)

I've loved the Star of David since I was eight.  My Sunday School teacher at that time was a Jewish convert to the Church (LDS), yet still wore her Star of David.  She explained to us that it is two triangles: one pointing up to God and one pointing down to the individual.  The Star is representative of one's relationship with Heavenly Father.
Don't you just love that?!
Ever since then, I have loved the Star of David.

And the gardens around Temple Square...

Aunt Barbara + Me

Me + Mommy

The Salt Lake City Temple

Me + December (my sister)


Beautiful flowers...

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