Friday, February 24, 2012

P52 Week #8: Cabin Fever

Look what I found in the backyard!!

Birds love our bird feeder.  And my dad loves to watch them.

My dad has made some great discoveries in the world of wildlife. {haha}

Like did you know?
The male cardinals feed the females!!

Mhm! The females sit on the fence, and the males go back and forth bringing them birdseed.
And that's how it should be! {bahaha}

Anyhoo, I'm sure these little birdies have cabin fever to head back up north again. {durn yankees}

And this is just some pretty stone. {:)}

Wednesday, I totally laid out at the pool for two hours!! Mhm, gettin' my tan on!

Don't worry Mom, I was reading my homework.  Kind of.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Crafty Monograms on Canvas

Oh, goodness! Two weddings in December, one in February, two in March, and one in May!!!

Is it just me or is EVERYONE deciding to get hitched? haha

Anyways, here is a fun fabulous {cheap} wedding present...


So whatcha need?
Mini canvas (I got mine in a pack from Michael's)
Masking tape
Letter Block
Paint pen (not pictured)
Paint Brush

Surface to paint on, I used a plastic bag
A Helper to help get the tape off

So whatcha gotta do is...

1.  Tape evenly spaced stripes on your canvas with the masking tape.  Fold it all the way around the sides, so it stays down.  I just eyeballed way the tape should go, but you could measure it out and mark them with a pencil or something.

2.  Now paint the sucker!

3.  Let them mostly dry and then peel off the tape.  You may want someone to help.
     And let them finish drying!

4. Then further personalize the gift...

5. Hot the letter block onto the canvas.  I then added a little blue heart to put some more blue.

And voila!!

What I Wore: Booty Booty Booty Rockin' Everywhere, and some Leather

As we were racing out the door to go to church, we realized...

We were all wearing booties!!

And I demanded a picture, gosh dang-it.

My mom paired them with tights while my seester and I went naked. Woot for versatility!

(and my legs look freakishly tan? So out of character for them!)

My dog, Ruger, was sporting a super old and gross collar.  It seriously smelled.

So my daddy bought him a new one.  A leather one.  A leather dog collar.

Whunu? Right?

It just cracks me up, so I made a wide variet of doggy fashionisto jokes all weekend.
And it annoyed the heck out of daddy.
He assured me several times that: leather collar + dog = a super masculine dog.

The collar...

Look how stoic and manly my little man is...

1. Treat please.  2. Mommy... I want a treat.  3. I want a treat now!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Just Keep Running, Just Keep Running

all nice and sweaty after a run... Carissa wants you to notice her running belt!!!!

Last Saturday I ran 8.5 miles in 85 minutes!! This is a HUGE accomplishment for me.  I had never done that before!

But this great feat did not happen without adversity pressuring me to stop, to give up.  There is no way I could have made it without my running buddy, Carissa.

Although the temperature was in the 50s, we still got out to run.

Though our faces and ears were frozen the first 25 minutes, we kept running.

I got tired, but we chugged that Cytomax and water and kept running.

From minutes 40-65, my right foot totally went numb.  I seriously could only feel my ankle, but able to still run.  Carissa encouraged (more like told) me to keep running.

At every hill, I met it with determination and defeated that sucker all the way to the top.

The last 20 minutes were so slow and exhausting, but I finished my run.

There is no where I could have fought through that run without Carissa.  She was a great cheerleader and friend.  These trials, some expected and others unexpected, that manifested during my run could have easily beat me.  I could have quit. So. Easily.  

This experience reminds me of our lives.  In our races of life, we will meet adversity.  Who will we turn to? Will you turn to the Savior to bear your burdens? Will you pray to your Heavenly Father to ask for help and guidance?

But most importantly, will you finish the run?
Or will you give up?  

Now some scripture candy.  Sorry, the best scriptures I found are either from the Book of Mormon or the Doctrine and Covenants.

For as Alma tells his son Helaman: "for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day." (Alma 36:3)

D & C 50:5 "But blessed are they who are faithful and endure, whether in life or in death, for they shall inherit eternal life."

D&C 58:2-4 "For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments... he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.
        "Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shallcome hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after tribulation.
        "For after much tribulation come the blessings.  Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand."

D&C 121:7-8 "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes."

Our trials will not last for forever, but our blessings can be eternal.  We may not understand the "why" of the trial at that small moment, but Heavenly Father has His divine purpose.  We have come to this life to learn and grow within ourselves and strengthen our testimonies.
The Savior suffered for our sins and afflictions, so He can help us.  Lean on Him and trust Him.  I promise He won't let you down.  Envelope yourself in that comfort.

And remember, "Just keep running" or erhhh... "Swimming" haha

P52 Week #7: True Love

Dear lovely people of the world,
           Just because you didn't have a special someone to spend Valentine's day, doesn't mean you aren't loved.  There are two beings who love you very much.  Heavenly Father and Jesus the Christ truly love and care for you.  So this week, look for their tender mercies and be happy. :)


P.S. Sorry all my school work kept me from giving you an awesome photo this week. :(

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What I Wore: The Texas Hippie

There aren't many mash-ups in Southern fashion...

But who says I can't make my own?!


Anyhoo, I fell in love with this dress at Baskin's and just had to have it.
Well, you know how that goes...haha.

{Baskin's is like Cavendar's}
{which is a Western get-up store complete with bling and boots galore} 
{Does this mean they do go together?! Baskin's is a Western store...}

Well, let the mismatching begin!

Behold! Hippie meets Cowgirl!

Dress: Baskin's $30
Belt: Target $10-$15
Boots a.k.a. The Roach Killers: Cavendar's (Ariat) $170

Friday, February 10, 2012

P52 Week #6: Drink Up!

I am currently training for the Rodeo Run 10K race in downtown Houston this month.

Running has never been particularly my strong suit.  I'm more into strength training
and cardio fitness classes.  Oh ya, I'm into boxing and kickboxing, 3 hour volleyball practices,
lifting weights, step classes,...

but running?!

No one to yell at you? No changing up of a routine.

How monotonous!

Even in my buff volleyball player glory days I didn't really care for running.

Even my body doesn't like running.  In track, I kept to the jumpers. (I did long and triple jump.)  My body is built to do short burst of energy.  It likes sprints and power reps.  It's
just how I was made. 

Well, my work out partner, Carissa, convinced to start running and training for the race with her.  Check out her blog Endure to the End. (the link is in the sidebar)

Running is such a mental sport.

Your mind needs to be trained as well.

If you want to take up running, I highly suggest you find yourself a running partner.

Anyhoo, last week my running partner, Carissa, and I ran a loop around our school.  The area is super hilly and such.  It was so hard!!  At 4 1/2 miles and 45 minutes of constant running up and down hills I totally pooped out.

I simply ran out of gas.

I was so disappointed in myself.  My race of 6.2 miles is on February 25th!!! What was wrong with me?! Why was I running out of energy? Should I just quit? give up?


Nah-uh. Not this girly. No ma'am.

So increased my training.  I bought protein shakes and Cliff bars...

so Drink it Up, ladies!! I'm not giving up on my goal. Are you?

And when you're shaking out those muscles and feelin' strong, just don't shake your protein shake too much...

Or this happens.


Sticky stuff got everwhere!

So remember,
shake out those negative thoughts. Shake out those tired, sore muscles.

And enjoy the run.  And the drink. :) 

Is anyone else on a super Florence + the Machine kick?

Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaaah

And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah

I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
Cause I like to keep my issues strong
It's always darkest before the dawn

Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah

And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah

And given half the chance would I take any of it back
It's a final mess but it's left me so empty
It's always darkest before the dawn

Oh woah, oh woah...

project 52 p52

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What I Wore: Colorful Boho

Let's go crazy with the patterns, shall we?

Did I mentions I have this obsession with cardis??

Cardigans are taking over the world!!

Well, at least my world. :)

So school has really started, I guess.  During the first week, everyone always asks,

"So how are your classes??"

and then you say,

"They're good, I guess.  It's only the first week of school. Nothing has really happened
or started yet..."

Then... BAM!!

All your classes start to get all crazy.

I've only been in school for like...(counting to myself on my fingers)... 3 weeks!

That's right! 3 weeks!! Where is all the information that I will be tested on tomorrow
mr. prof?  6 class days and then a test? I have about 3 typed pages of notes. Double spaced.

This test will be interesting. haha

Let's see... test Thursday, rough draft of 10 page short story due that we were assigned 2 days ago...
Tuesday... weather and climate test... and second draft due
next Thursday... rhetoric test... ASL presentation
next next Tuesday... short story due

yep, School is IN session
and it's GREAT!


one of my favorite professors once said...

"The motto of an Englsih major is 'I'll have enough time to sleep when I'm dead.' "

fun times, indeed, haha.

Anyhoo, some funny sayings from my super old Early American Lit prof:

-Dr. Pease: "My eight year old son came up to me and asked which of my sons I loved best."

-class: smiling expecting some sentimental comment.

-Dr. Pease: "So I told him: 'I don't love any of ya! I want you to eat your dinner, grow up, go to school, move out, and get out of my hair!' "

-class: laughing uncontrollably 

and my personal favorite...

Dr. Pease: "I'm so old! I'm so old, that I went to the University of Texas-Austin before
Austin had pizza parlors! Do you know how old that is?!?! I remember having my first slice of pizza in Denver, Colorado in ..."

BAHAHA!! Don't half cranky half jolly old men just crack you up?! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Great Grandma Leatha Leone Rivers

 My Great Grandmother Leatha Leone Rivers

April 28, 1917- January 24, 2012

Now this was one special lady.  She was a very devout Catholic who knew the meaning of love
and service.  She knew how to be self-reliant, having her own chicken coop and making
most of her own clothes.  The last great matriarch, family was very important to her.
She had seven children and over 40 descendants, including two great-great grandchildren.

Grandma and Grandpa Rivers

Their first picture together

At around age thirteen, Grandma paid to have her first ever picture taken with one live chicken.

Grandma knew hardship.  She lived before cars, indoor plumbing, and electricity.  
The lived through the Great Depression, war time, and other periods of hardships.  She
was a widow the last 30 years of her life.
  She lost her seventh child, Steve, when he was just a toddler.
My father was born at about the time Steve passed, so he and Grandma were always very close.

I think these two pictures are my favorites.  Both were taken in the 1950s.

Here is my Grandpa Roy with Great Grandma.  Got to love 1970s fashion. haha.

Family Portrait in the early 1980s.
Martha, Gary, my Grandpa Roy, Bub
my Great Grandparents Jake and Leatha, Betty,

So that's where my cat eye glasses obsession came from!!!

Grandma meeting ME for the first time.

April 27, 2002
Grandma's Birthday party

Grandma with my famfam
 Daddy with his Grandma

 Grandma made SO MANY hand sewn quilts.  All of my baby blankets she made will
definitely be passed down generations.

Dear Grandma Rivers,
I will always love you and cherish my memories of you.
Of the chickens eating our leftovers.  You being over 90 years old and still living on your own in your own trailer house.  I remember waking up at 7 or 8 in the morning and 
you had a huge Southern breakfast ready.  MMMM.
I don't think anyone on this planet could beat your homemade
chicken and dumplings, greens, cornbread, fried chicken, and strawberry sugar cake. 
I will never forget the 6 hour drive to Louisiana to visit listening to that
dag-gum George Strait album over and over again. haha.
Your sternness with that subtle hint of compassion will always be your trademark.

Here is my rose from her casket bouquet.  I dried it to perserve it.