Friday, February 24, 2012

P52 Week #8: Cabin Fever

Look what I found in the backyard!!

Birds love our bird feeder.  And my dad loves to watch them.

My dad has made some great discoveries in the world of wildlife. {haha}

Like did you know?
The male cardinals feed the females!!

Mhm! The females sit on the fence, and the males go back and forth bringing them birdseed.
And that's how it should be! {bahaha}

Anyhoo, I'm sure these little birdies have cabin fever to head back up north again. {durn yankees}

And this is just some pretty stone. {:)}

Wednesday, I totally laid out at the pool for two hours!! Mhm, gettin' my tan on!

Don't worry Mom, I was reading my homework.  Kind of.

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