Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What I Wore: Colorful Boho

Let's go crazy with the patterns, shall we?

Did I mentions I have this obsession with cardis??

Cardigans are taking over the world!!

Well, at least my world. :)

So school has really started, I guess.  During the first week, everyone always asks,

"So how are your classes??"

and then you say,

"They're good, I guess.  It's only the first week of school. Nothing has really happened
or started yet..."

Then... BAM!!

All your classes start to get all crazy.

I've only been in school for like...(counting to myself on my fingers)... 3 weeks!

That's right! 3 weeks!! Where is all the information that I will be tested on tomorrow
mr. prof?  6 class days and then a test? I have about 3 typed pages of notes. Double spaced.

This test will be interesting. haha

Let's see... test Thursday, rough draft of 10 page short story due that we were assigned 2 days ago...
Tuesday... weather and climate test... and second draft due
next Thursday... rhetoric test... ASL presentation
next next Tuesday... short story due

yep, School is IN session
and it's GREAT!


one of my favorite professors once said...

"The motto of an Englsih major is 'I'll have enough time to sleep when I'm dead.' "

fun times, indeed, haha.

Anyhoo, some funny sayings from my super old Early American Lit prof:

-Dr. Pease: "My eight year old son came up to me and asked which of my sons I loved best."

-class: smiling expecting some sentimental comment.

-Dr. Pease: "So I told him: 'I don't love any of ya! I want you to eat your dinner, grow up, go to school, move out, and get out of my hair!' "

-class: laughing uncontrollably 

and my personal favorite...

Dr. Pease: "I'm so old! I'm so old, that I went to the University of Texas-Austin before
Austin had pizza parlors! Do you know how old that is?!?! I remember having my first slice of pizza in Denver, Colorado in ..."

BAHAHA!! Don't half cranky half jolly old men just crack you up?! 

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