Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I Wore: Booty Booty Booty Rockin' Everywhere, and some Leather

As we were racing out the door to go to church, we realized...

We were all wearing booties!!

And I demanded a picture, gosh dang-it.

My mom paired them with tights while my seester and I went naked. Woot for versatility!

(and my legs look freakishly tan? So out of character for them!)

My dog, Ruger, was sporting a super old and gross collar.  It seriously smelled.

So my daddy bought him a new one.  A leather one.  A leather dog collar.

Whunu? Right?

It just cracks me up, so I made a wide variet of doggy fashionisto jokes all weekend.
And it annoyed the heck out of daddy.
He assured me several times that: leather collar + dog = a super masculine dog.

The collar...

Look how stoic and manly my little man is...

1. Treat please.  2. Mommy... I want a treat.  3. I want a treat now!!!

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